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如何安装BTSync on Centos 6.3 64bit

去中心化的同步软件,相对于最近被封的Dropbox和OneDrive,以及一直被封的Google Drive,它无法被封锁,因为它不需要服务器。ITGeeker使用之后,认为特别适合局域网同步文件,特别是家里有好几台电脑,可以用来同步多而大的文件。
1. 下载BTSync到/tmp
cd /tmp && wget http://download-lb.utorrent.com/endpoint/btsync/os/linux-x64/track/stable -O /tmp/btsync_x64.tar.gz
2. 建立目录并解压缩BTSync到目录。ITGeeker这里选择的Home目录。
mkdir /home/btsync && cd /home/btsync && tar -xzf /tmp/btsync_x64.tar.gz

3.  Root权限运行BTSync,就这么简单!


4. 在浏览器输入你的地址和端口号,进入图形界面进行设置。



1. 切换到BTSync安装目录
cd /home/btsync

2. 运行命令

 ./btsync --dump-sample-config > sync.conf

3. 修改sync.conf文件

vi /home/btsync/sync.conf


 "device_name": "GeekerLocal",
 "listening_port" : 8788, // 0 - randomize port
/* storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files
 if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory 
 where binary is located.
 otherwise user-defined directory will be used 
 "storage_path" : "/home/btsync/",

// uncomment next line if you want to set location of pid file
// "pid_file" : "/var/run/btsync/btsync.pid",

 "check_for_updates" : false, 
 "use_upnp" : true, // use UPnP for port mapping

/* limits in kB/s
 0 - no limit
 "download_limit" : 0, 
 "upload_limit" : 0, 

/* remove "listen" field to disable WebUI
 remove "login" and "password" fields to disable credentials check
 "webui" :
/* directory_root path defines where the WebUI Folder browser starts
 (linux only)
// "directory_root" : "/home/user/MySharedFolders/",

 "listen" : "",
 "login" : "itgeeker",
 "password" : "888888"

/* !!! if you set shared folders in config file WebUI will be DISABLED !!!
 shared directories specified in config file
 override the folders previously added from WebUI.
 "shared_folders" :
// use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret
 "secret" : "MY_SECRET_1", // * required field
 "dir" : "/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test", // * required field

// use relay server when direct connection fails
 "use_relay_server" : true,
 "use_tracker" : true, 
 "use_dht" : false,
 "search_lan" : true,
// enable SyncArchive to store files deleted on remote devices
 "use_sync_trash" : true,
// restore modified files to original version, ONLY for Read-Only folders
// "overwrite_changes" : false, 
// specify hosts to attempt connection without additional search 
 "known_hosts" :

// Advanced preferences can be added to config file.
// Info is available in BitTorrent Sync User Guide.



netstat -lnp|grep 8788


kill -9 19111


vim /etc/init.d/btsync
chmod +x /etc/init.d/btsync
 /etc/init.d/btsync start